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The Complete Works of Master Zhiyu

The late Master Zhiyu (智諭老和尚) was the founder of Seeland Monastery (西蓮淨苑). Birth name Xu Shuming (徐曙明), from Boxing district, Shandong Province (山東省博興縣). He was born on the lunar calendar 12th November, 1924 (the 13th Republic year), and passed away at age 77, on lunar calendar 14th November, 2000. He joined brigade in the early days, when he retired in mid-age, he became a monk by following Master Daoan, on 19th September 1969, the Renunciation Day of Avalokiteśvara.


A collaboration between Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) and Dharma Drum Buddhist College (currently Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, DILA), which XML markup the entire collection of work with international Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)


The late Master Zhiyu (智諭老和尚) was the founder of Seeland Monastery (西蓮淨苑). Birth name Xu Shuming (徐曙明), from Boxing district, Shandong Province (山東省博興縣). He was born on the lunar calendar 12th November, 1924 (the 13th Republic year), and passed away at age 77, on lunar calendar 14th November, 2000. He joined brigade in the early days, when he retired in mid-age, he became a monk by following Master Daoan, on 19th September 1969, the Renunciation Day of Avalokiteśvara.

With his lifetimes wisdom, Master Zhiyu understood the Buddha came into appearance in this world for a great cause — for the enlightenment of all beings. With immeasurable compassion, he taught the ineffable and profound content of sutras with skillfulness. He began writing them down from 1982 until 1989, only when he was unable to hold a pen towards the end. In the span of eight years, he produced one book in every two months, each was a work of enormous effort. He was able to grasp entire Buddhist Canon with the Twofold Truth and taught mostly on the topic of Prajñā. He had kindly dedicated such precious Dharma to all beings, in the hope that those destined ones would attain awakened insight and perfect enlightenment.


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